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Why Choose AIG for Environmental Liability?

Different industries have different environmental exposures and risks. Some business operations have heightened environmental exposures from their air emissions, oil or chemical spills, waste management or water discharge from cleaning or cooling operations.  In addition to paying for costs related to evaluating the extent of cleaning up environmental damage, businesses also face new liabilities to compensate society for the damage done and reimburse it for “loss of use” until the environment is restored. These are complex areas where financial implications have yet to be quantified by actual judgments.

AIG Environmental Liability Solutions

What is covered?

  • Sudden and gradual pollution conditions
  • On and off-site clean-up costs for pre-existing and/or new conditions
  • Third-party bodily injury and property damage
  • First-party business interruption expenses related to a pollution condition
  • Legal costs including investigations, defense costs, settlements and legal proceedings arising from pollution or environmental damage
  • Pollution releases caused by the transportation

Who is it for?

  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality and leisure
  • Technology and professional services
  • Energy: Power generation and utilities & renewable and alternative energy

What is covered?
  • Sudden and gradual pollution conditions
  • On and off-site clean-up costs for pre-existing and/or new conditions
  • Third-party bodily injury and property damage
  • First-party business interruption expenses related to a pollution condition
  • Legal costs including investigations, defense costs, settlements and legal proceedings arising from pollution or environmental damage
  • Pollution releases caused by the transportation

Who is it for?

  • Service Providers: All construction and commercial service contractors (contractors of all revenue size)
  • Specialty Trade: Plumbing, HVAC, Concrete, Electrical, Painting
  • General Contractors: All GC, Construction management and supervision
  • Abatement: Demolition, Mold and Lead
  • Restoration: Emergency response and clean up
  • Residential Builders: Homes and condos
  • Tanks: UST and AST removal and installation
  • Oil and Gas: Oil and Gas service contractors of all types
  • Operation and Maintenance: Operation and maintenance contractors